Sunday, May 20, 2018

Medical Care in Nepal-Doable?

Americans have been lied to. We all know that, but are you aware of the lies involving travel and medical services while you travel? We’re told that only American doctors can be trusted and only the American healthcare system works. I remember when Obama Care was getting started. ‘You don’t want to be like France, do you?’ was the question of the day. I even heard France has medical care only until a person hits age 82. I traveled to France that same year and I asked a French woman I met. She was speechless! The very thought that anyone would even think such a thing about the French people or the French government was an insult to her, and rightly so.

It is also not true what we are convinced of, that the US has the best healthcare, best educational system and the best society. Well, it would be hard to justify any of these claims on the world stage anyway.

I didn’t even know what it was, but I believed it, American exceptionalism. Now, after traveling around the planet awhile and landing in a culture about as far removed from my own as possible, now I understand better.

In my haste to get my health taken care of before traveling, I ended up with a bad root canal. I started to take the travel vaccines, but decided against them. Although everyone needs to come to terms with this issue, I feel as though I made the right decision for myself. I actually met a couple of people who had to get treated for rabies and a couple more who got typhoid fever, so consider the topic well. Typhoid is transmitted by bad water and 'poopy' hands. It’s fairly rare, even in Nepal. Rabies is from animals, which I tend of avoid in my everyday life. I’ll probably die from something else.

When my doctor in the states made his pitch for shots, he told me that hospitals around the world do not use disposable needles. This is true, but extremely misleading. Tourists from the west are treated much better at hospitals than local people are. Even if you were in the most remote place in the Himalayas, I think you’d get a fresh needle.

A janitor wearing gloves as he works at a Nepali hospital

Another issue is about the quality of the medication you find outside the US. They say a person can even get a counterfeit drug at a pharmacy overseas. No, although that could happen, there are ways to know if it’s a high quality product. It isn’t that hard.

Why am I on a rant about this? Because of the problems in the US regarding healthcare; many people are struggling with medications due to the high costs of drugs and deductibles. The elderly and disabled are having to choose food or medicine when it doesn’t have to be that way.

I’ve been trying to get the word out that Americans can get excellent healthcare in places like Nepal. It can be a challenge, but it’s doable. You can find state-of-the-art equipment like the MRI Splice that can see your entire body for under $100. That price and a round trip airfare will still probably save you money and it’s the same machine you’d use in the finest hospital in New York City. You would get the narrative and slides sent to you via email. Read more...

Our Offer: We can provide you with a lovely room with a view, room heater, electric blanket, room fan, attached bathroom (no tub), 24 hour hot water, WIFI, electricity, all the meals you want to eat while you are at the guesthouse, transportation by car for sightseeing and help getting your health needs taken care of. We have knowledge of many hospitals and modalities available in Nepal. I think the more you look into this topic the more you’ll see it in a positive light.

If you’d like to stay with us to take care of such things and get out of the harsh winter we can provide all the things mentioned above from $800 a month on a 6 month contract, including airfare (we will refund you any excess after the airfare is paid for) or $600 a month without any obligation in case the guesthouse isn’t a good fit for you. We can help you find your own flat if you’d like. Additionally, if this is outside of your budget we can do a work exchange for those who'd like to volunteer.

If this is of interest feel free to reach out to explore it. FrugalTravelsNepal(at) or connect with us on social media.

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